Dedicated to making change in Ohio Congressional District 15!
Our tagline “Promoting public policies that work for rural communities” means a focus on how public policy—the decisions our legislators and administrators make every day—affects important rural concerns:
- Health care
- Drug addiction and recovery
- Livable wages in full-time jobs
- Community growth and stability
We will be adding news and information about the importance of rural counties to the economy, the wonderful people and places in District 15, the issues and challenges of rural life here and elsewhere, and some solutions and approaches to enabling democratic values that help working families.
I am reading “Strangers in Your Own Land” by Sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild. Based on what I read your billboards may have the opposite effect. Here is a quote from a fisherman in Louisiana. He told us that we don’t need Social Security or Medicare. “Take Social Security. If you and I hadn’t had to pay into it,” he told me “we could have invested that money ourselves – even given the 2008 downturn – you and I would be millionaires now.”
It might be worthwhile to look at how and whether people actually do save and invest money themselves. Most studies have shown that people don’t, and we can’t predict that everyone would actually be able to. If you are working three part-time jobs to make ends meet, will you really be able to carve out a percentage of every paycheck? And why are we letting employers off the hook for contributing to these programs?
Also, you might be interested to know that Social Security does a lot more than help us as we age. Social Security helps disabled Americans live independently.